Naija LPG - Training, Constructions, Repairs, Maintenance, Depot Delivery and LPG Calculator How To Fix A Gas Regulator That Fails - Won't Work?

How To Fix A Gas Regulator That Fails - Won't Work?

Gas leaks can occur from a defective gas regulator. According to Oxford dictionary; a regulator is a device that automatically control something such as speed, temperature or pressure. The pressure of LPG gas inside a gas cylinder bottle is much higher and varies with the surrounding temperature. It is also much higher than it is needed by the appliance being fuelled, so it need to be controlled to ensure a steady flow of gas at constant pressure. This is done by a REGULATOR, which limits the pressure to suit the appliance that is being fuelled.

A gas regulator has a pin pressing inside the neck valve of your LPG gas cylinder bottle, that allows/enable gas FLOW. You can see a gas regulator attached/connect with a hose pipe, up to the cooking appliance. However, not all LPG gas container uses an attached regulators. In Nigeria the 3kg, 5kg, 6kg and 10kg are mostly known to use a single burner stove (burner & valve). The most popular use of gas regulator in Nigeria is on the 12.5kg gas cylinder bottle. Also the 50kg (also known as 45kg), uses an inbuilt, factory fixed regulator valves. 

Gas regulators can develop unpredictable faults. But the most common ones are:

i. Low release of gas (low pressure or temperature)

ii. On/Off switch stopped working.

iii. Knob got stuck

iv. Pin inside gas regulator gets reduced due to continuous friction.

Just any faults can happen to a gas regulator. Depending on the type of gas regulator you buy, when the knob is turned on, the pin inside goes down and press down through the valve to release out gas through the hose pipe, till it reaches your appliance. This is where most gas regulators fault occurred from; by simple gear method; most especially pin made with plastic. 

Do note, there is no fixed repairs for gas regulators, it may only get worse. Call your distributor for replacement.

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