However, the low pressure regulators supply gas at 1kg/h - 1.5kg/h - 2kg/h. At most times, it depends on the temperature. If the temperature around the cylinder bottle is high in degree, gad bottles won't last as when it is placed under cool temperature.
You need to know the operating temperature range of the type of LPG being used. Also, before obtaining a regulator for your LPG appliance, find out TECHNICAL information such as:
* Input Pressure (p)
* Output Pressure (pd)
* Guranteed Output (mg).
Some regulator can run at a flow rate of as little as 1kg/h when cooking. The unit will self-modulate and consume less gas. When you have a gas cooker with two or more cooktop burners, flow of gas could vary from 2kg/h for the smallest or medium burner. And if you have large burner, you get less consumption hours and cook some than small or medium burners.
Not surprisingly, many cooking customers report that a single bottle can't last more than a week.