Many ask the real function of the net attached with camping gas cylinder bottles. For ladies, most might be thinking that the function of the net is to enhance the beauty of the cylinder.That is not the core function of the net. The core function of the net around the gas cylinder is to prevent the gas cylinder from being scratched when dropped on a rough surface. The net gives the gas cylinder protection against mechanical damage. Now you know, please share with others so that they can know too. It serves as an insulator or cushion to avoid the knocking together of two or more gas cylinders as they are transported. Impact with other cylinders during transportation can cause a spark. This is protection against such incidents.
That net in my own opinion is not for package . Where you see the net been used, bear in mind that they have to pack a lot of cylinders in a way and the can get scratched easily by another cylinder ... It's still marketing things because not all of makers will put that in mind. The net for some manufacturers are meant to help prevent friction with other surfaces. Prevent friction which can ignite the cylinders Incase of a leak.
This is not the only work of the net though. Some believes that the net is put there to prevent the paint from scrubbing other objects during packaging. It's like absorber for packaging and transportation to avoid scratching, to prevent removing of the paint.
I don't think the net is to decorate the gas cylinder. Maybe to reduce sliding in other words it adds some friction to the smooth surface o the gas cylinder. To prevent the gas cylinder from being scratched when dropped on a rough surface. To cushion cylinder abrasion as they knock and bruise each other during transportation. It protect the outer surface layer of the cylinder from getting rough by other materials or objects.
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Each his/her own, but i do this is a way of disposing plastics. Also, look at the color, always black. They help absorb any heat during transport. I won't say it is used to show that it is new, because even the ones sold on eBay still comes with the net. During my research, I found out that the core function of the net around the gas cylinder is to prevent the gas cylinder from being scratched when dropped on a rough surface. The net gives the gas cylinder protection against mechanical damage. It prevents static charges from the cylinders rubbing each other.
So, here we have it. Gas cylinder protection net is used to prevent scratches and breakage caused by impacts during storage and majorly transportation to reduce impact among the cylinders. It protect the paint layer and the gas cylinder outlook from damage.
Two major function of the net:
1.prevent gas cylinder for scratches
2.prevent friction during transportation. Additional to that, it's their brand packaging.
Function #1: The net is to distinguish between the new and old one.
Function#2: To protect the gas bottle from major scratch till delivery...
Function#3: For brand packaging... to improve customers way of disposing plastics.
However, let just say preventing the gas cylinder from scratching when jamming together. It’s simply a scratch proof material that’s all. Preventing it from scratches that results from collision during movement. Reducing cylinder to cylinder collision while on transit. It helps to prevent the cylinder from having direct contact with another when loaded in a large quantities.
The net guards against ignition (sparks) that can occur when two metallic objects collide, which would eventually lead to fire/explosion. This is especially so as many cylinders are usually transpoted together from place to place. When the cylinders are being transported, they might knock against each other and create a spark, and you can see what would happen. Transportation issue to absorb sudden impacts against each other
Three main functions that are not applicable:
1. privets the mosquitos from biting the cylinder hence avoiding holes.
2. controls the high temperature.
3. helps in net weighing.