Naija LPG - Training, Constructions, Repairs, Maintenance, Depot Delivery and LPG Calculator 10 Safety Precautions To Prevent Fire Accidents And Explosion At LPG Gas Plant

10 Safety Precautions To Prevent Fire Accidents And Explosion At LPG Gas Plant

10 Safety Precautions To Prevent Fire Accidents And Explosion At LPG Gas Plant

is usually stored inside pressure container under high pressure in liquid or gaseous state. These pressure containers, tanks or cylinders usually possess huge potential energy, which can lead to disasters on a high scale, for both the lives and properties, if not managed with the right safety measures in placed during transportation, unloading, storage, handling and use.

Do These When Storing Gas Cylinders

Take the following precautions to prevent accidents, fire incidents and explosions that may result from improper handling of gas cylinders during storage or while taking them out for usage:

• Statutory rules should be strictly followed while storing full and empty cylinders.

• Store cylinders upright with valve protection caps and valve outlet seals in place.

• Secure cylinders when in transporting, storing, or usage

• Store cylinders in specific areas meant for that purpose.

• Separate full and empty cylinders.

• Store cylinders in a well-ventilated, away from flammable materials. Always keep dry, cool and in a secure area protected from the weather.

• Always maintain a minimum of 20 feet distance between flammable gas cylinder and oxygen cylinder or the storage area should be separated, at a minimum, by a fire wall five feet high with a fire rating of 0.5 hours.

• Make sure that there is adequate separation from combustibles materials

• Keep check on the atmosphere in areas where gases may vent and collect.

• Store only the amount of gas required for the specific application.

• Prohibit use of naked flames and smoking storage spaces, whether indoor or outdoor, shall be prohibited.

• All doors or gates giving direct access to the cylinder storage shall open outwards.

• Cylinders should be stored away from emergency exits and heavily passer-by areas.

• Protect cylinders from damp or wet ground.

• Cylinder storage should be provided with adequate but restricted access.

• Cylinders should be inspected visually on a routine basis, or weekly to avoid any indication of leakage or other problems.

Avoid These When Storing Gas Cylinders

• Never permit storage temperature to exceed (125°F).

• Avoid storing other cylinders, full or empty in the same vicinity as inflammable gases.

• Do not store cylinders on upper floors or below ground level.

• Never allow smoking or open flames in flammable gas storage areas.

• Don't store grease and oily materials around gas cylinders; nor should oil or grease be applied to fittings.

• Do not expose cylinders to corrosive materials such as ice melting compounds.

Certified Gaspreneur

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