Naija LPG - Training, Constructions, Repairs, Maintenance, Depot Delivery and LPG Calculator The Basics of CNG Conversion Kit Installation In Nigeria

The Basics of CNG Conversion Kit Installation In Nigeria


This post has been produced and written for educational purposes only. Naija LPG strongly recommends that all CNG conversions be completed by an experienced Certified mechanic familiar with CNG systems.

Before performing any installation, you should be familiar with all common governing regulations applicable to CNG conversions.

It is 2023 and subsidy on PMS petrol is gone! The cost of moving from one point to the other has tripled due to the rise in fueling costs, but there is fuel which has been around for quite some time, but no one really paid so much attention to it, it is called CNG compressed natural gas . I can remember as far back as 2016 when bus drivers loading Lagos to Ibadan had converted buses and would fill up at mowe ibafo area before heading to Ibadan so it's been around for a while commercially.

So, how is CNG gotten and why is it cheaper than conventional fuels (diesel, petrol , kerosine, LPG )?

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) in its basic form is found in the ground while drilling for crude oil. The gas is then separated from oil goes through several levels of purification , then is compressed to about 3,600 pounds per square inch.

CNG is cheaper because you do not need a billion dollar refinery to process the end product, the cost of separation and purification is relatively very cheap.

Unlike the other derivatives of crude oil (diesel, petrol , kerosine , jet fuel etc) that are controlled by world  crude oil prices, CNG is in a world of its own, not in competition with any fuels.


The gas tank is kept somewhere around the boot and connected with gas hose that runs parallel with the fuel line down to the injector. From here the hose will be fed into the adapter that is already designed to accomodate both the petrol and CNG injectors at same time. New CNG ECU will be installed and powered with the new wiring harness.

Reason for installing another ECU is because CNG uses a different Air : Fuel mixture unlike petrol that use 16.5 : 1, so the two ECU will now be working hand in hand but the driver decides which one to use just by pressing a switch that will be mounted on the dashboard to select running on gas or petrol.

Certified Gaspreneur

We provide information on all LPG related services, including training, constructions, depot pricing, delivery, repairs and maintenance. Our goal and mission is to make LPG gas available and accessible to every household in Nigeria.

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