Naija LPG - Training, Constructions, Repairs, Maintenance, Depot Delivery and LPG Calculator Troubleshooting For LPG Pump Dispenser Refilling Slowly

Troubleshooting For LPG Pump Dispenser Refilling Slowly

Are you facing a challenging experience with your LPG dispenser? For example, your meter is very slow in filling some cylinders. 


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Have you try to frequently release some gas in the cylinder to drop thr pressure for it to speed up, but the problem still pesist?

This can frustrating I know. You might have tried opening the return valve full, halfway and almost closed, yet no change. 

Look, this is not caused because your tank is directly under the sun. Let's get that out of the way first. But I do recommend that you have water shower  over it as well, if you can afford it - as Butane gas, which is Nigeria LPG standard for cooking gas, can slow down in extreme harsh weather.

For some people, when this issue occurs,  sometimes it will take up to 5 minutes to fill 6kg. That's how bad it can be at times. Though filling some cylinder is fast. This experience is usually with cylinders with camping especially and some eagle.

Is there a solution to this? YES!! FORTUNATELY, THERE IS

First off, adjust the pressure valve at the top of the gas storage tank. Check if you have enough lpg quantity, and power circuit.

What is the connection between pressure valve and slow filling of cylinder, you may ask?
The pressure valves are calibrated to control the pressure in the tank, where there is a build up of pressure or in case of over filling. 

Some might say it is from a faulty motor pump. What's the connection with the motor pump if that's their conclusion, unless the current/power supply going/supplied to the LPG gas skid system is very low. 
If the pressure valve has nothing to do with the cylinder filling process, then lossible causes are:

(1) A dirty strainer 

(2) A drop in motor speed,  

(3) Weak pump blade 

(4) Malfunctioning nozzle 

(5) And if it does so on certain cylinders check the filling mouth.

However, while the possible causes mentioned may be correct, but I still admit that the pressure valve on top of the tank works for slow filling of cylinder 
I even had to adjust my tank too
Firstly I thought it was the type of cylinder, we manage to sell that. Second cylinder same thing. 

Then I asked my fellow operator to focus on the meter while I climb up to adjust the pressure gauge on the tank. Immediately I adjusted it, it started dispensing the way it ought to be.
Different strings for different foes. A friend of mine do the same thing one time I think it's the dispenser having problems.

If you mention pressure valve to some technicians, this can funny but I can understand where they are coming from.
It is the name they call it for us that is causing the confusion here , I will explain:

The valve that is fixed on the return line is what I am talking about, that is the valve installed on the return line to increase or reduce the gas that is coming back to the tank from the bye pass valve, when its open wide more gas return to the tank and when you close it less gas return to the tank while more remain on the line  for dispensing, that line is return or vapour line usually painted yellow.

For these techicians, what they understand by the pressure valves are usually the one fixed to the tank directly and permanently with no pipe connected to it. I hope they get what I meant when I said - Pressure Valves. Labelling is the issue here, no argument

Adjust the guage at the top of your tank, it's mostly occurs when there is no much gas in the tank, So when next it occurs, just adjust it slowly.

Did the problem just started or has it been happening before, on an ON/OFF system?

Call your technician and tell him to clean the stranner after that tell him to check the solenoid valve coil if is ok. Clean up the strainer and check the solenoid valve, after get a bucket of water with soap, blow some out for 5sec, get a 50kg cylinder fix it and start the pump.

It could also be your local dispenser is having issues not the guage.

Please work on the pump, it may has to do with your pump. Change your pump vane and check if the fan belt is tight if not make it tight. Then cool your tank with water.

However, the first Troubleshooting and step should be:

Check if you still have gas in the tank.
Normally pressure drops when the gas is finished. If you have enough gas in your tank and it persist, then you need to change your nozzle.

It happened in a gas plant i knew back then. Engineer worked on the pump without remedy until his instinct told him to change the refilling nozzle and he did gas start dispensing well and fast.

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