Naija LPG - Training, Constructions, Repairs, Maintenance, Depot Delivery and LPG Calculator First Aid For LPG Skin Injuries, Frostbite Or Cold Burns

First Aid For LPG Skin Injuries, Frostbite Or Cold Burns

As discussed earlier on, LPG gas can be sensitive and it can be also unpleasant. Explosure to high amount can lead to dangerous health Issues. Here are the first aid for LPG injuries or cold burns:
1. Remove any clothing splashed/exposed by LPG and move the patient to a warm area as soon as possible.

2. Do not attempt to add any medication such as medicated spirit to the injured areas, as this could cause more damage.

3. Dip the affected area in warm water, then leave for few minutes. Bath then affected areas preferably with warm water (35°c maximum).

4. Do not touch, scratch or peel.

5. Never use hot water to press the frozen tissue. The skin becomes painful and will turn to a red-pinky colour.

6. If you are experienced, you can loosely cover the affected area with dry, sterile dressing. If not,

7. Consult with a professional medical doctor.

LPG gas is heavier than air, with high pressure. When LPG evaporates, it becomes very cold. It can cause Injury, burn and many unwanted situations if proper safety tips are not taken. If you notice LPG gas leakage from your cylinder bottles, do not attempt to block using your hand. The best approved is to take the cylinder bottles outdoor to a safe and well-ventilated areas, far away from source of Ignition.

Do not use the gas cylinder bottles until the problem is rectified. It could majorly be from a faulty regulator, valve or sealing O-ring rubber. Contact your supplier or refiller for possible solution.

Certified Gaspreneur

We provide information on all LPG related services, including training, constructions, depot pricing, delivery, repairs and maintenance. Our goal and mission is to make LPG gas available and accessible to every household in Nigeria.

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