Naija LPG - Training, Constructions, Repairs, Maintenance, Depot Delivery and LPG Calculator Simple Basics To Read Your LPG Storage Tank Gauge, Gas Level Indicators And Refills

Simple Basics To Read Your LPG Storage Tank Gauge, Gas Level Indicators And Refills

Also Read: How Many Pots Makes A Ton

Gas level indicator of gas gauge allows you to know the amount of LPG in a gas storage tank. It indicates the remaining level of LPG in the storage tank. Not everyone can read and understand the gas gauge indicator. This is what some LPG suppliers take advantage of, by cheating and manipulating gas truck meter. Most LPG supplier will stop refilling 2 tons (2,000 kg) when the gas truck meter indicates 3,500 readings. Refilling 2 tons to gas storage tank should give 3,500 litres on the supplier truck meter, which is why it is good, as the gas plant owner, to go by the storage tank gauge indicator, not the supplier truck meter readings.

When you refill 2 tons in a empty gas storage tank, your gas gauge should indicate a 75% on a 3,000 litres tank. A 3,000 litres storage tank - Tegas, has 95% guage level. Refilling 2 tons in a 3,000, indicates 75% level. So, as we now know in previous articles, 80% pots/bottles make up 1 ton of a storage tank. That is, 12.5 kg in eighty places, are found in 1 ton. Calculate as such:

80 pots (of 12.5 kg) => 1 ton
Where, 1 kg => 1.96 litre
equivalent to => 12.5 kg => 26 litres

A 5% difference separates each levels on the gas gauge. The figures are counted in tens from 10, 20, 30, to 90 and separated by 5%. So, counting from 10 to 15, we can find a total of 125 kg worth of LPG, which when converted to litre, it give 260 litres. That means, 260 litres of 126 kg for every 5% counted on the gas guage. On your supplier truck meter, refilling 2 tons should equals:

125 kg x 15 => 2,000 kg
260 litres => 3,900 litres

How was this figues generated, you may ask?

For 2 tons, which indicates 75% on the gas gauge, counted backward, from 75% to 0 (Reservoir), we have 15 counts:

That is: 75%, 70%, 65%, 60%, 55%, 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%20%, 15%, 10% to 5%

The above illustrate gives a 15 counts. Remember, for every 5%, we have total of 125 kg/260 litres. So,

125 kg x 15 => 2,000 kg 
260 litres  x 15 => 3,900 litres

Your gas supplier should charge you with this. For example, if the local market price per kg is at #250 in local currency, you will be charged:

#250 x 2,000 kg (2 tons)
=> #400,000 payment charges

Certified Gaspreneur

We provide information on all LPG related services, including training, constructions, depot pricing, delivery, repairs and maintenance. Our goal and mission is to make LPG gas available and accessible to every household in Nigeria.

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