Naija LPG - Training, Constructions, Repairs, Maintenance, Depot Delivery and LPG Calculator How To Choose The Right LPG Suppliers In Nigeria For Your LPG Gas Plant Business.

How To Choose The Right LPG Suppliers In Nigeria For Your LPG Gas Plant Business.

Choose a LPG suppliers that can offer you discounts on sales and cost of logistics. Most LPG gas skid can only take 5,000 Litre depot tank, because they don't have the tankers required to fill larger sized tanks like 10,000 litre or 20,000 litres. But this, of course, increase the cost of logistics and makes transport more difficult.

You need to be able to communicate with and get information from your LPG supplier. Always read the policy contract thoroughly to know what is not currently covered by a supply agreement. Look for LPG comprehensive websites in Nigeria, with answers to more than just simple questions. They should supply LPG advice for all aspects of your LPG use, from LPG pricing, logistics, depot locations, as well as information on LPG business registrations. An active and informative Facebook and Twitter page is also valuable, as you can interact with other LPG users, as well as LPG suppliers.

COMPETITIVE PRICING: There are many factors that can affect how much you pay the LPG suppliers when they supply to you. Pricing can vary a bit based on a number of factors including - the cost of supply, logistics and delivery to different states in Nigeria.

CLICK HERE....HOW logistics affect Pricing

If you are a first timer in the oil and gas business, you will need additional guidance to explain how everything works. The LPG supplier should provide detailed information and answers to frequently asked questions, specifically tailored for new LPG business. Natural disasters, one of the many factors that affects a large number of national LPG suppliers. In the event of natural disasters like flood, LPG pricing may increase. However, large LPG companies have resources from other areas, which they can mobilise and bring to the affected areas. Small local LPG suppliers simple don't have that kind of backup capability. Some LPG suppliers even organize sea shipment delivery of LPG gas to small towns cut off by landslides.

LOCAL PRESENCE: For obvious reasons, it is advantageous to deal with a supplier that has a local depot in your area. Look for large LPG suppliers that have local company branch run by local people from your area. You should be able to contact the supplier anytime, 24/7 for all of your LPG needs. Emergency LPG supply, even at late nights. Choose local LPG suppliers that works to delivery 24/7, they can be contacted during business hours. 

NO CONTRACT POLICY: Some LPG suppliers try to lock you in to a 12 or 24 months contracts for your LPG supply. You should look for a supplier that has no contract policy, where you are not tried down and force to stay.

Certified Gaspreneur

We provide information on all LPG related services, including training, constructions, depot pricing, delivery, repairs and maintenance. Our goal and mission is to make LPG gas available and accessible to every household in Nigeria.

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