Naija LPG - Training, Constructions, Repairs, Maintenance, Depot Delivery and LPG Calculator Quick Fix: Why Gas Stove Control Knob Does Not Turn On/Off And Ignite?

Quick Fix: Why Gas Stove Control Knob Does Not Turn On/Off And Ignite?

Having trouble with your gas cooktop control knob and ignition? With a few simple steps in this article, you can get your cooktop working like new again.

My Control Knob Turns But Doesn’t Ignite The Gas Burner - How To Fix It?

It could be from a broken gas cooktop control knob and ignition, along with some other technical issues - we have put together few help troubleshoot for any issues you may encounter.

Before you start fixing your gas cooktop, it’s important to understand what’s causing the issue. Is the control knob loose or broken? Is the ignition not sparking? Take a close look at your cooktop to identify the problem.

If your control knob is loose, it may simply need to be tightened. Use a screwdriver to tighten the screw holding the knob in place. If the knob is broken or damaged, you’ll need to replace it. You can usually find replacement knobs at hardware stores or online.

However, if your cooktop ignition isn’t sparking, there could be a few different reasons why. First, make sure the gas supply is turned on and that the burner ports are clean and free from debris. If everything looks good, try cleaning the igniter with a soft brush or cloth to remove any buildup that may be preventing it from sparking.

Once you’ve checked and cleaned the ignition system, it’s time to test it out. Turn the control knob to the “ignite” position and listen for the clicking sound of the igniter. If it sparks and ignites the burner, congratulations – you’ve successfully fixed your gas cooktop.


Q: My control knob turns but doesn’t ignite the burner. What could be wrong?

A: This could be caused by a faulty igniter or a problem with the gas supply. Try cleaning the igniter and checking the gas supply to see if that resolves the issue.

Q: I’ve replaced the control knob and cleaned the igniter, but my cooktop still won’t ignite. What should I do?

A: If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and your cooktop still won’t ignite, it may be time to call a professional for further inspection and repairs.

Q: Can I fix my gas cooktop myself, or should I hire a professional?

A: Simple issues like loose knobs or dirty igniters can often be fixed DIY, but if you’re unsure or uncomfortable working with gas appliances, it’s best to leave it to the professionals to avoid safety issues.

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