Naija LPG - Training, Constructions, Repairs, Maintenance, Depot Delivery and LPG Calculator Quick Fix: LPG Gas Cylinder Hissing Sound But No Smell After

Quick Fix: LPG Gas Cylinder Hissing Sound But No Smell After

Is It Normal For A Gas Cylinder To Make A Hissing Sound - How To Fix?

If you've ever noticed a hissing sound coming from the area your gas cylinder at home, it's important to rectify the issue immediately, and do not attempt to use gas cylinder or any appliances until problem have been solved.

In this article, we have provided you with simple steps to rectify the issue.

Why Does A Gas Cylinder Hiss?

The hissing sound from a gas cylinder usually indicates a leak in the system. This leak can occur due to various reasons, including:

1. Sometimes, the connections between the gas cylinder and the regulator or hose may not be tightened properly, leading to gas leakage.

2. Wear and tear over time can cause damage to the rubber seals or valves within the gas cylinder or regulator, resulting in leaks.

3. Moisture or corrosive substances can corrode the fittings or valves, creating openings for gas to escape and produce the hissing sound.

What Can I Do to Fix It?

If you hear a hissing sound coming from your gas cylinder, follow these steps to address the issue:

1. Turn Off the Gas: Immediately turn off the main valve on the gas cylinder to stop the flow of gas and prevent further leakage.

2. Check for Leaks: Apply a soapy water solution to the connections between the cylinder, regulator, and hose. If you see bubbles forming, it indicates a leak at that point.

3. If you identify any loose connections, use a wrench to tighten them securely. Be careful not to overtightened, as it may damage the fittings.

4. If you notice any damaged part such as cracked hoses or worn-out seals, replace them with new ones, and make sure it's a proper seal, so to prevent future leaks.


Q: Is it normal for a gas cylinder to make a hissing sound?

A: No, a hissing sound indicates a gas leak, which is not normal and should be addressed immediately.

Q: Can I use tape to seal a leaking connection?

A: No, using tape to seal a gas leak is not safe. It's important to properly tighten or replace the damaged components, as this gives a secure seal.

Q: How often should I check my gas cylinder for leaks?

A: It's advisable to perform regular checks for leaks, especially before using the gas cylinder and after any maintenance or transportation.

Q: What should I do if I smell gas but don't hear a hissing sound?

A: If you smell gas but don't hear a hissing sound, it could indicate a more severe leak. In such cases, take the gas cylinder from the area immediately, turn off the gas supply if safe to do so, and contact emergency services.

Certified Gaspreneur

We provide information on all LPG related services, including training, constructions, depot pricing, delivery, repairs and maintenance. Our goal and mission is to make LPG gas available and accessible to every household in Nigeria.

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