LPG gas is highly flammable, which is why the necessary safety precautions should be put in place, including warning signs, boundaries and many more. Also, only experienced and skillful person on LPG gas should handle repairs, maintenance and refilling at the gas plant.
One of the main reason for fire at LPG gas plants is neligence and not compiling to safety rules and regulations. Also, remember that "quality is the base of an Enterprise, and safety is the base of the staff". Safety should be the number one priority in your gas plant.
Fire in an LPG gas plants m could be caused from any factors including ignition source. Others are fuel, heat and electrical components. You have to understand the basics of fire fighting, including how to use fire extinguishers effectively to be able of pull out a fire already burning. With this basics, you will be able to understand that there are precise ways to put out fire.
You will notice fire sand buckets found in different spot at various LPG gas plants. These fire sand bucket contains or are filled up with sands, just in case of fire incident at the gas plant. However, one disadvantage of fire sand is that if the fire is large or spreading, then you did need just enough sand to put it out. This is more reason fire extinguishers are recommended for LPG gas plants. There are different types of fire extinguishers, as follows:
i) Co2 (chemical-based) fire extinguisher
ii) Soap-based fire extinguisher
iii) Powder-based fire extinguisher
iv) Water-based fire extinguisher.
Each fire extinguisher contains the type of substance for different purposes and for the source or fuel for the fire. As you know, fires are classified as A, B, C, D, E, or K based on the cause or source of the fire. Fire is the result of reaction between the fuel and oxygen in air. When LPG gas leaks, it passes through the ground and expand rapidly and quickly. The first step to take is to take out all electrical source. Next is to switch off your cellphones. Also, your nose can help as the first detector tool. Smell for rotten egg-like odour around you. LPG gas is known to contain a special odorant that helps for leakage detection.
Fires are classified as follows:
* Class A - Fires involving ordinary combustibles, such as paper, trash, some plastic wood and cloth. A rule of thumb is if it leaves an ash behind, it is a class A fire.
* Class B - Fires involving flammable gases or liquids, such as Propane, methane.
* Class C - Fires involving flammable liquids, such as oil and gasoline. Gasoline is also known in other countries as petrol fuel, or PMS. Do not use water for gasoline fuel induce fire incident. It will only ignite the fire even more, as petrol fire is mainly started from the base not the top of the fire. You can use a fire sand, however, the problem with fire sand is that you will need just enough sand buckets. The best way to put out petrol fire is with the fire extinguisher.
* Class D - Fires involving metal. A rule of thumb is if the name of the metal ends with the letter "um", it is a class D fire. A Powder-based fire extinguisher is very suitable for this.
* Class E - Fires involving energized electrical components: Do not use water for electrical fires. Wires and cable are known to be made from different materials, which may even ignite the fire more further, expanding and spreading deep. Also, if water is used for electrical fires, ele electric current can pass through, which is very dangerous and could lead to electrocution. The Co2 (chemical-based) fire extinguisher is not recommended, as Co2 is known to freeze at certain pressure or temperature conditions. This can be dangerous as it could lead to electric shock. The best to use is the Powder-based fire extinguisher.
* Class K - fires involving vegetables or animal cooking oils or fats.