Naija LPG - Training, Constructions, Repairs, Maintenance, Depot Delivery and LPG Calculator Step-By-Step Instructions To Connecting Hose Pipe And Gas Regulator For Beginners

Step-By-Step Instructions To Connecting Hose Pipe And Gas Regulator For Beginners

As you know a gas regulator is used to help regulate the amount of pressure to the appliance being fuelled. As most gas regulator are specially created for LPG, it is typical to use regulator for Propane or Butane. For a gas cylinder bottle to supply gas to your appliance, it needs a regulator that has a pin inside, which press the cylinder valve open to supply gas. Please read the instructions carefully before connecting your hose pipe to a gas regulator.


* Only fit a new approved hose and gas regulator. Secure the hose pipe tightly with hose clips at both regulator and appliance end, using screwdriver or pillar.

* Turn the knob on top of the regulator to the "off" position when connect it onto the gas cylinder valve.

* Make sure that the appliance being fuelled is no longer alight. 

* Remove any protective seal or plastic cap from the valve.

* Turn gas regulator anti-clockwise, pressing down the regulator pin and pressing it downward firmly to the gas regulator valve, until you hear a "click" sound.

* If it has a sealing O-ring rubber, it also needs to be undamaged. The O-ring rubber prevent a metal to metal contact of gas regulator and cylinder valve. Without O-ring rubber, this can prevent the two components from sealing, resulting in a leak.

* Also, pay special attention to the clips connector, which screw the appliance and gas regulator via a hose pipe.

* Now, test for leakage. For leaks, use soapy water or liquid detergent instead.

WARNINGS: Never disconnect the gas regulator from the cylinder valve if a burner remains alight. Switch off gas regulator and the appliance if a leak is noticed. Unclip rubber hose pipe. And if little gas is found inside the hose when disconnecting, make sure you waste them out. This is why it is always advised to disconnect all appliance being fuelled before disconnecting from gas cylinder valve. However, if you forgot to close the regulator before losing clips, do not attempt to block rushing gas with you hands, as this can cause cold burn Injuries. Instead, try bending the gas cylinder, raising up the hose pipe, so that the movement of the gas can return back into the gas bottle.

* From the gas "on" position, operate the switch clockwise until it points downwards. The regulator can now be removed from the valve.

Certified Gaspreneur

We provide information on all LPG related services, including training, constructions, depot pricing, delivery, repairs and maintenance. Our goal and mission is to make LPG gas available and accessible to every household in Nigeria.

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