When you start using LPG for cooking, gas burn quickly to the appliance being fuelled. Depending on the total loads of appliance attached to the gas cylinder, the flow of LPG gas is also much higher than normal. At most, the gas regulator help limits the pressure to suit your appliance, however, there are few tips which you can follow to help you LPG gas last longer for cooking.
Here Are Tips For LPG Gas Conservation When Cooking At Home Or Anywhere
1. Soak the food ahead of cooking.
2. Use one burner side inside of 2 or 3.
3. Some kitchen utensils make full contact with the cooking coil which reduce loss of heat and LPG use.
4. Use small pots, so the LPG can heat up faster.
5. Keep the vessels closed with a lid while cooking time and LPG use.
6. To switch on the cylinder, hold a lighter matchstick near the burner head of the stove and turn the knob.
7. Check whether the sealing O-ring rubber is in place inside the gas cylinder valve. Sealing O-ring rubber helps tighten iron to iron friction of valve and regulator. This prevent LPG gas from escaping.
8. Always buy approved LPG hose pipes and gas regulators from authorized distributors only.
9. Never leave your cooking unattended.
10. Be sure that your gas regulator knob is completely switch off after cooking is done.
LPG Conservation