Naija LPG - Training, Constructions, Repairs, Maintenance, Depot Delivery and LPG Calculator How To Keep Sales Record For LPG Gas Business In Nigeria

How To Keep Sales Record For LPG Gas Business In Nigeria

Every LPG gas retailers or gas plant business owners need a record for sales including expenses, profit and loss. Call it a petty cash book, more like a small record book for payments, incoming, outgoing or incidental expenses. Maybe you own a small LPG shop/retail, you need a record book of all your transactions sold at a particular time. Sales staff, those in your business who are responsible for sales, should be taught how to properly keep a sales record book. Gross sales, gross revenues, both in come received for goods and services over some given period of time. Including sales promotion, sales tax, and extra spending should be recorded. 

Having a sales record book (plus a calculator) is soo important, as this will helps you to know how you're doing at the market compared to competitors. This will also help you to know you profit/gain or loss for each day, week or month. A sales record book have to contain important details. Just like a diary; a register of daily events or transactions; a daily record, a journal, a blank book dated for the record of daily memorandums.

Each sales staff in each department must keep a daily written record of (usually personal) all happenings and observations. If any mistakes should occur while refilling a cylinder bottle, maybe gas leak or engine faults, all these should be recorded. Expenses removed from the daily profit should also be recorded with the days date. Moreover, even if you run a small LPG retail reseller shop, LPG contained in each gas cylinder bottles should be recorded. If you are a local LPG reseller, it is good to have separate books for each refill, resales and gas cylinders, numbered 1,2,3 and so on to avoid sales calculation mistakes

It is advisable to use each one at a time. So, you have a perfect sales recording at the end of the day.

Certified Gaspreneur

We provide information on all LPG related services, including training, constructions, depot pricing, delivery, repairs and maintenance. Our goal and mission is to make LPG gas available and accessible to every household in Nigeria.

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